The windows of the Sanctuary are in need of repair. Largley, repairing any damaged moldings, wood frames, replacing any broken glass, cleaning and protecting the windows from the elements. The front two windows are completed! J&R Lamb Studios, Inc. is in the process of completing window #6 and is 75% there!
This will be a costly project. We are announcing our SUPPORT THE SANCTUARY WINDOWS FUNDRAISER! And, we are seeking your financial support to help offset the repair costs. Please give as you are able and, as always, we thank you in advance for your generosity. Simply place your donation marked “SANCTUARY WINDOWS FUNDRAISER” in the offering plate, drop it off at the Church Office, or if you would like, click the "Vanco" button below and you will be directed to the online giving page. Click "Stained Glass Fundraiser 2024". If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a Consistory member.